Getting residents engaged in recycling is important to reducing our City’s waste! You can help us reach our recycling goals by encouraging your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to recycle in St. Louis.
As a Saint Louis City Recycles Ambassador you’ll be a valued recycling leader and can help educate and engage others by taking part in one or many of these ways:
- Talk to your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers about recycling
- Share our social media posts strategically (with your neighbors, community organization, etc.)
- Provide content that we may be able to use for our social media (photos, videos, fast facts, etc.)
- Place dumpster stickers on alley dumpsters
- Provide recycling information to neighbors (literature drop door-to-door, at local businesses, etc.)
- Host a recycling discussion with neighbors
- Host a “lunch and learn” presentation for city resident employees at your work
- Present our material at neighborhood meetings as a representative of STL City Recycles (requires orientation and training)
- Volunteer at neighborhood or citywide events at the STL City Recycles table
- Keep our St. Louis Public Library displays stocked
- Participate in focus groups, surveys or questionnaires to providing feedback about STL City Recycles