Dropoff Recycling Sites

Do you live in an apartment building that doesn’t have recycling? Did you move into a new house and have more moving boxes than will fit in your alley recycling dumpster? If so, consider taking your recyclables to a dropoff recycling site. St. Louis city residents have access to 25+ dropoff recycling sites operated by the City’s Refuse Division. The dropoff sites are for residential use only.

Find a dropoff site near you from the list below.

See What Can Be Recycled at the Dropoff Sites

Dropoff Sites

6310214Engine House #9814 Labeaume24 hrs / 7 days
6310314StreetDelmar (between 14th and 15th Streets)24 hrs / 7 days
631047Engine House #72600 LaSalle (at Jefferson)24 hrs / 7 days
631048Engine House # 11 7th and Shenandoah 24 hrs / 7 days
6310614Street13th at Montgomery24 hrs / 7 days
6310614Engine House #52123 North Market (at 22nd Street)24 hrs / 7 days
6310611Engine House #173238 Dr. Martin Luther King (at Leonard)24 hrs / 7 days
6310614Fire DepartmentSheridan at Elliot24 hrs / 7 days
6310714Street13th at Branch24 hrs / 7 days
6310714Engine House #81501 Salisbury (at Blair)24 hrs / 7 days
631092Engine House #314408 Donovan (at Sutherland)24 hrs / 7 days
631095StreetWherry and Macklind 24 hrs / 7 days
631109Water Division Lot1660 S. Kingshighway BlvdMON-SAT, 8am-4pm
631111Engine House #236500 Michigan (at Soper)24 hrs / 7 days
6311213Engine House #131400 Shawmut (at Ridge)24 hrs / 7 days
6311311StreetNorth Spring at North Market24 hrs / 7 days
6311511Engine House #264520 Margaretta (between Cora and Taylor)24 hrs / 7 days
631166AlleyAlley West of Roger between Parker and McDonald)24 hrs / 7 days
631174Engine House #221229 McCausland (at West Park)24 hrs / 7 days
631188Engine House #12910 South Jefferson (at Pestalozzi)24 hrs / 7 days
631187StreetVirginia at Utah24 hrs / 7 days
6312013Engine House #275435 Partridge (between Harney and Riverview)24 hrs / 7 days
6312013StreetUnion at Lillian24 hrs / 7 days
631395Street Department1900 Hampton at I-44MON-FRI, 6am-6pm
631395Engine House #355450 Arsenal (at Sublette)24 hrs / 7 days

City Dumpster Recycling

City Rollcart Recycling

Multifamily Building Recycling