
There’s more ways to help keep St. Louis green than inviting us to your events or learning about where your recycling goes. Find our volunteer opportunities and open job positions below and get involved!

Open Positions

Want to make a big difference in St. Louis and help us reach the citizens of St. Louis and get more people involved in recycling, waste reduction, and preventative measures? We’re on the lookout for recycling program specialists!

Learn more about these positions on their St. Louis City Job Opportunities pages below and apply today:

Recycling Program Specialist I

Volunteer With Us

Be an Ambassador

See the difference that you can make and sign up to be an ambassador for St. Louis City Recycles, helping to educate your community on recycling. Learn more here or sign up below!

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    I want to get monthly recycling tips. Sign me up for the e-newsletter.


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    Additional comments, questions or suggestions

    Join Your Neighbors and Pledge to Recycle This Year!

    St. Louis residents recycle 61 lbs of material every minute, but we can still do better. Will you help us recycle even more?


    Young girl holding recycling bin
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