City Dumpsters and Rollcarts

Recycling dumpster

Dropoff Recycling Sites

Multifamily Building Recycling

Use The City’s Blue Alley Recycling Dumpsters

With a blue recycling dumpster in your alley, you can recycle at any time! Collect recyclables in your home and keep them separate from trash with an in-home recycling bin. A second waste can, paper bag, plastic tub or cardboard box make great recycling bins too. When your recycling bin is full, empty its contents loose into blue recycling dumpsters (no plastic bags please).

Help keep your community clean by closing dumpster lids after each use.  This also protects recyclables from wind and rain. Please do not prop dumpster lids open. 

Collection Schedule

Blue recycling dumpsters are usually collected on Monday or Tuesday, depending on location, after trash collection has been completed.  All dumpsters are picked up a minimum of once a week, or more as needed. Determine your regular collection schedule.  In the event of holidays, please check the schedule that is posted on the Refuse Division’s website.

Who to Contact

Every alley should have at least one blue recycling dumpster.  If the dumpsters in your alley are damaged or are continuously overflowing, contact the Citizens’ Service Bureau
(314) 622-4800 or submit a request online.

Recycle Using The City’s Blue Rollcarts

Residents who receive trash collection via rollcarts (whether at the curb or in the alley) should have one 96-gallon blue rollcart for their recyclables.  Each rollcart has wheels to make it easy to roll out for pick-up.  This rollcart is marked specifically for your address and must remain there.

With your own blue recycling rollcart it’s even easier to see how much you’re recycling! Collect recyclables in your home with an in-home recycling bin.  If you need more space and don’t have a second waste can, you can also use a paper bag, plastic tub or cardboard box.  When your recycling bin is full, empty its contents loose into the blue recycling rollcart (no plastic bags please).  Simply wheel your cart out for collection on your recycling day.

Collection Schedule

Your blue recycling cart is picked up once per week for recycling and your green trash cart is picked up once per week for trash.  Your first collection day is for trash and the second is for recycling.

For example:

  • If your green trash rollcart is normally picked up on Monday then place your blue recycling rollcart out on Thursday for pick up.
  • If your green trash rollcart is normally picked up on Tuesday then place your blue recycling rollcart out on Friday for pick up.
  • Wednesday is still the collection day city-wide for yard waste (green rollcart).

If your collection is missed or your cart becomes damaged, please contact the Citizens’ Service Bureau (314) 622-4800 or submit a complaint online.

Determine your regular collection schedule.  In the event of holidays, please check the schedule that is posted on the Refuse Division’s website.


  • Place your rollcart out at the curb, on the street (not on the sidewalk) no later than 5:30 a.m. on your regular pick-up day.
  • Bring your rollcart back onto your property (e.g., garage, storage area, yard, fenced area, gate) by 11:00 p.m. that night.
  • Make sure that the front of your rollcart faces the street, so that the lid opens toward the street.
  • Place your rollcart 5 feet away from all obstructions, including cars, poles, trees and additional rollcarts.
  • Please don’t load your rollcart with more than 100 pounds.
  • The lid of your rollcart must close with ease so that the lid lies flat.
  • Only one rollcart may be rolled out each collection day.
  • Material left outside of your rollcart will not be picked up.

Dropoff Recycling Sites

Multifamily Building Recycling