Recycling Education Programs and Classroom Bins

If you are a teacher or educator who is enthusiastic about recycling, you’ve come to the right place! Saint Louis City Recycles offers recycling education programs that include classroom presentations, activities and even recycling bins to schools located in St. Louis city.

Request A Classroom Experience

Teacher calling on a student with raised hand during a classroom presentation

Just like your classrooms, our school programs have been evolving. Below are the options available for teachers and their students.

  • Schedule a classroom visit: invite us to chat with your classroom. We will go over a quick presentation so the students know what to recycle in their Blue Bin and what not to, and answer questions the students might have. And we have many activities to choose from!
  • Our school needs supplies: if you have a recycling course already in your curriculum and just need recycling supplies, we’ve got you covered, too!

Make A Pledge Tree

This is a fun and engaging way to show off your school’s commitment to recycling. Saint Louis City Recycles will provide all the materials necessary to make your very own recycling pledge tree. Display the tree in a highly visible location as a reminder to recycle responsibly.

Start Recycling Right

Thanks to a grant from the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District, Saint Louis City Recycles is able to provide classroom recycling bins to schools in St. Louis City through Project SHARE. To receive the classroom bins, you’ll need to complete the following:

  • Ensure your school has arranged for recycling collection and hauling services from a private waste hauler.
  • Count how many classrooms and offices will need a recycling bin.
  • Develop a plan for collecting the recyclables from classroom bins and transporting them to the exterior recycling container. Large rollcarts are available for easy transportation from classrooms to recycling dumpster.
  • Invite us to give a recycling presentation at your school (see options above).
  • Make a recycling pledge tree and display it in your school (see details above).
  • Weigh the recycling from one classroom for 4 weeks using our Weight Tracking Chart and we will calculate how much recycling your entire school saves from the landfill.

Request Bins and Recycling Education Programs

Would you like classroom recycling bins or to schedule one of our programs? Use our online form to get started.

Our School Needs Recycling Education and Bins