Plastic is everywhere. It’s embedded in our consumer culture. So going ‘plastic free’ can seem overwhelming. But the good news is that every time you reduce your plastic usage, it has an impact!
Why Go Plastic Free?
- The amount of plastic produced in a year is roughly the same as the entire weight of humanity: over 300 million tons! (The Guardian)
- Between 5-13 million tons of plastic leaks into the world’s oceans each year to be ingested by sea birds, fish and other organisms. By 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)
- Plastic, which is made from oil, never breaks down completely and less than 50% of the plastic bottles produced in 2016 were collected for recycling. (The Guardian)
- Plastic is increasingly affecting human health & the health of the planet. Bisphenol-A (BPA) a chemical in plastic interferes with human hormones and has been linked to cancer and diabetes. Plastic waste is just as dangerous for the planet as climate change. (The Guardian)
What Can I Do?
- Avoid buying items in plastic packaging as much as possible.
- Choose loose produce and keep it loose; don’t use the plastic bags provided at the store.
- Buy items that come in paper, cardboard or other recyclable packaging.
- Buy meat from the deli counter that’s wrapped in paper.
- Buy from a bulk store and bring your own refillable container.
- Bring your reusable bags whenever you go shopping.
- Keep some in the car so you don’t forget. Try purse bags! They’re are great for all purchases.
- Recycle all your plastic bags and film at the grocery store.
- This includes all retail shopping bags, bread bags, sandwich bags, cling wrap, Tyvek envelopes and any stretchy plastic packaging.
- Choose reusable items.
- Bring your own water bottle, straws, cutlery, coffee mug, take out containers to picnics, events, and to work.
- Drink less soda.
- Choose soda in cans or glass bottles and recycle them.
- Purchase beauty products that do not contain microbeads (tiny pieces of plastic).
- Be sure to recycle all your empty plastic beauty containers.
- Pick up and throw away litter so it doesn’t end up in our waterways!
For more tips and facts please visit:
Plastics: Bottle It- The Guardian