Ghosts, witches and spiders – oh my! Halloween has become the second largest consumption holiday following Christmas. In 2019, Americans spent around $9 BILLION, mostly on Halloween decorations, candy and costumes. Below are some ways we can still enjoy this spooky holiday without creating excess waste and spending a lot of money.
Halloween Candy
Whether you are prepping for a big Halloween party or giving out candy solo, if you want to be extra low-waste, purchase chocolates that are wrapped in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil can be collected and formed into a larger ball and then recycled in the Blue Bin. It is recommended that the aluminum foil be the size of a golf ball in order to be recycled properly at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF).

If you are a variety-type of candy lover, purchasing your sweets in bulk is the best option. In addition to lowering waste by buying more items with less packaging, you are almost always guaranteed to save money in the long run! Remember, most candy wrappers are made out of a mixture of plastic and aluminum that cannot be processed for recycling at the MRF.

Halloween Decorations
Everyone loves driving in neighborhoods and seeing the inflatable jack-o-lanterns and orange and black decorations strewn about. There are several options for Halloween decorations that don’t require you to purchase brand new ones.
Going to the pumpkin patch is one of the best fall festivities to enjoy with friends and family. Pumpkins are great decorations, and a snack! You can toast and eat pumpkin seeds, compost the guts while you enjoy your lantern and then compost the pumpkin when it starts to rot. Talk about zero-waste and some fun! Grab your craft box and make a spiderweb out of yarn or strings you may have laying around. Watch this quick video on how to make a low or zero cost spiderweb from your own home.

Halloween Costumes
Dressing up is a staple of Halloween and it’s fun! One of the lowest waste options for a Halloween costume would be to put something together with clothing or older costumes you already have. Ask around to friends and family, you never know what people have stored away in their costume drawer.
Just like decorations, you can find costumes at a second hand thrift store or in a local “Buy Nothing” group. Since we use costumes and decorations for one or two days of the year, lightly used Halloween items are easy to come by. Not sure what to be for this upcoming Halloween? Check out these Easy and Cheap DIY Halloween Costumes.
Whether you’re handing out candy at home or attending a party this Halloween, find ways to be conscious about consumption and landfill waste. Make sure you and your guests are up-to-date on what goes in your Blue Bin and what doesn’t.