More Drop-off Sites Will Increase Clean Recycling in STL

Remember our recent blog about how complicated our recycling system is in St. Louis? You can refresh your memory here: Dearest STL, It’s Time to Reckon with Our Recycling – Q&A Style! Well, it’s time to add another solution to the mix. We are increasing the amount of recycling drop-off locations citywide!

Our STL City Recycles Team has been outside, meeting residents where they are- at neighborhood meetings, community events and schools throughout the city. We’ve been to dozens of events and meetings in the past 6 months and will continue to reach residents in whatever ways we can to support your recycling efforts with educational materials and resources. We post to social media (@STLCityRecycles) at least 3 times each week with tips and fun facts. We publish monthly blogs and e-newsletters with helpful information, shout-outs to amazing neighbors and schools, and upcoming event postings. We distribute goodie bags full of information and extras to get you excited to Recycle Responsibly. Our office is always open to visitors. We are emblematic of our tagline: Small Steps, BIG IMPACT! Our small team really is working to make that big impact in St. Louis City.

But we need your help! Our mission is to ensure every St. Louis City resident has the knowledge, tools and motivation to make reducing, reusing and recycling a part of their daily routine.  Our goal is to increase residential recycling participation.  You can help us achieve this!

We need to identify new sites for recycling drop-off locations. Is there one near you? Is it easy to access? No? Well, now is your chance to let us know where you think we should place new sites!

Please use this form to suggest new sites.

Here are some things to keep in mind when suggesting new drop-off locations:

  • There must be room for a minimum of 3 recycling dumpsters. 
  • Trucks must be able to access the dumpsters and drive away easily. 
  • Check above for any overhead obstacles. Wires, trees, etc. can prevent drivers from emptying dumpsters. 
  • The area must be safe to drive up, park and place recyclables in the dumpsters.

*Public property locations preferred.
*Parks are not an option due to dumping issues.

If we do this together – if residents and the City collaborate on this solution – we can begin to increase the amount of clean recycling that goes to our Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). That means we will divert more waste from landfills and contribute less to the environmental and economic woes associated with pollution and climate change. Let’s do this, STL!

Please remember to follow us on social media, sign up for our e-newsletter and invite us to your local events. We look forward to meeting you and your neighbors!

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