Check out these awesome items that can be all yours with the low, low price of a visit to our office.

In-Home Recycling Bin:
Have you been using an old laundry basket to hold your recycling? A plastic bag?? Or just tossing it in the trash because you have nowhere to put it?!
All Saint Louis City residents can have their very own in-home recycling bin! Having a dedicated bin ensures that you can keep your recyclables loose, clean and dry. And when you toss your recyclables in the blue alley dumpster or your blue rollcart, you know you’ve done all you can to Recycle Responsibly!

Dumpster Stickers:
Do your neighbors need help with What Bin Does It Go In? Well, we’ve got just the thing! We provide these newly updated stickers for your recycling and trash alley dumpsters. We need the community’s help to place them throughout the city. Stop by our office (4646 Shenandoah Ave 63110) Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm to get stickers for your alley bins!

Reusable Tote Bags:
Invite us to your neighborhood meeting and you might just leave with a Saint Louis City Recycles branded tote bag full of swag. Ever need a jar opener? We’ve got you covered with our very own ones made from recycled tires! And pens made from recycled water bottles, pencils created from recycled currency, Recycling 101s, waste guides, and more!

Educational Materials about Recycling:
Do you have questions about how recycling works, or what to recycle? Do you know others who could use this information? We have all the resources right here in our office that you can take to your school, church group, office building, or even pass out to your neighbors! And to make it even easier, it’s also online for you to share over email or social media. Look around our website to find resources that will help you and your friends become Recycling Ambassadors. Stop by our office at 4646 Shenandoah Ave. to pickup materials or chat with our Recycling Team to discuss how we can help.
Small steps can make a BIG IMPACT.